Just last week I encountered another case of a cracked tooth needing to be extracted.I can’t say this is uncommon. Yet something about this one stuck with me . . . probably because I felt it was avoidable. Cracked teeth as a result of the grinding and clenching of...
The ToothWiz Blog
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Understanding Tooth Clenching and Grinding
I might also give this article the byline: "The Daily Grind." But I wouldn't be talking about work. For millions of people, the daily grind is happening to their teeth -- and they are often working them to death. I’m not talking about the normal work you would...
Dentists Need to Know Your Supplements
A friend of mine recently sent me the link to this video: Dentists Need to Know Your Supplements, and I found it somewhat timely. As readers of my blog may know, I have long been an advocate of dietary supplements. While the ideal form of nutrition is always a...
Cracked Tooth Syndrome
No matter how you slice it, tooth problems can be a pain. Among these, cracked teeth stand out for their confusing and erratic nature. A cracked tooth can be painful, annoying, and an exercise in frustration for patients and dentists alike. While there can be many...
Cracked Tooth Information
June 23, 2013 The treatment of cracked teeth can be one of the most complex -- and frustrating -- experiences for any patient, or dentist, for that matter. Symptoms can be erratic, elusive and the solutions can range from simple to very involved. It is not uncommon...
Oral Bacteria and General Health
Did you know that there are way more bacteria in your mouth than there are people on the planet? By some estimates: 120 BILLION bacteria can grow in 24 hours! That's really a lot of bugs! Germophobes might get a little skittish...
Do You Have a Spare? (Denture)
Very often the ideas that I have for articles in this blog come from real-life experiences in my dental practice. One of the things that caught my attention most recently was the prevalence of patients who come in for emergency treatment of broken dentures (typically...
Don’t Bother Flossing
What?! Is the sky falling? What dentist would dare utter such blasphemy! Stick with me for a moment. You may learn something about flossing. Here are the facts as I see them after more than twenty years in dental practice: Most patients don't floss.Most patients don't...
Save Your Teeth
And Lay Off The Soda Did your last dental checkup find you sinking lower and lower into the dental chair with each cavity your dentist found? If so, one of the first questions you may want to ask yourself is this: are soft drinks a big part of your daily routine? If...
Is Having Straight Teeth Important?
When we are young our teeth make their way into our mouths through a process known as tooth eruption. How do they know when to stop erupting? Basically, they keep going until they find the opposing tooth. But what if we lose a tooth? Much like a computer program, the...
Dental Cavities and Tooth Brushing
There are a number of factors that can contribute to the formation of dental cavities. One fundamental that will apply to most everyone concerns the reduction of dental plaque. If you want fewer cavities, reduce your plaque levels. Dental plaque can be defined as a...
The Most Affordable Dental Insurance
Recently, a great deal of attention has been placed on economizing in all different aspects of life. Some people have even considered cutting back in the area of health care by putting off routine maintenance care. While this is a little like playing Russian roulette...