The ToothWiz Blog

When was the last time you had a dental exam?

When was the last time you had a dental exam?

Many people believe that since they aren’t experiencing dental symptoms – like tooth pain or bleeding gums – then all must be well. Unfortunately, a sizable number of dental problems, including cavities and periodontal disease (bone loss around your teeth), just don’t...

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Do Dental Implants Make Financial Sense?

Do Dental Implants Make Financial Sense?

Because tooth-loss so often creates long-lasting and generally negative effects for personal health and, not infrequently, appearance – the entire array of tooth replacement options has long been an important subject in the dental field.  Dentists not infrequently...

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Tooth Extraction Stress

Tooth Extraction Stress

In my experience, extractions freak people out. So it’s always gratifying when a patient can leave my office joking and smiling after the experience, such as happened in my office two days ago. In fact, another patient, actually gave me a big hug after her extraction...

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Why You Need Vitamin P

Why You Need Vitamin P

First of all, what the heck is vitamin P?  First discovered around 1936, the term is hardly used anymore – except maybe euphemistically for Prozac (fluoxetine) – which you definitely don’t need, unless you like playing Russian roulette with your health.  Prozac is...

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I Never Thought It Would Happen to Me

I Never Thought It Would Happen to Me

I have little doubt that some patients who visit a dentist and are told they have decay, but don’t experience any symptoms, are convinced that someone is trying to pull the wool over their eyes.  There are probably several reasons for this.  Possibly, they had been to...

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You CAN Take Care of Your Teeth

You CAN Take Care of Your Teeth

The idea that losing teeth is an inevitable part of aging is a common misconception. While it's true that tooth loss occurs more frequently among older adults, it's not a foregone conclusion. With proper oral care and preventive measures, you can keep your natural...

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How Long Do Dental Crowns And Bridges Last?

How Long Do Dental Crowns And Bridges Last?

How long do dental crowns and bridges last?  I haven’t written anything to the blog for some time now.  Like so many people I know, I have been busy with other projects.  Every now and then, though, something will come up and I find I tell myself, “I need to write...

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Full Dentures – Problems and Solutions

Full Dentures – Problems and Solutions

Millions of people worldwide wear full dentures.  While we often associate this aging, wearing full dentures is not just limited to older adults.  Illness, accidents -- sometimes even pregnancy -- can contribute to tooth loss and, in a number of cases, this affects...

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It’s More Than Just a “Cleaning”

It’s More Than Just a “Cleaning”

It is not without purpose that dentists repeatedly herald the fact that your mouth tells us a great deal. Yes, it will communicate — and without words — whether you have been brushing or flossing. But it will also tell us a story of your overall health. For centuries,...

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A Dental Infection Can Kill You — True or False?

A Dental Infection Can Kill You — True or False?

The posting below is actually taken from our Weird Dental "Facts" section. It's an assortment of dental trivia and facts -- some true, some we're not so sure about 😉 -- but either way, we hope to entertain, as well as educate you, with our postings. We'd also love...

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