Weird Dental Facts

Exploring the Quirky and Curious World of Dentistry

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That’s REALLY Long in the Tooth!

That’s REALLY Long in the Tooth!

The Guinness World Record for the longest human tooth extracted belongs to a man from India. His tooth measured an astonishing 3.67 inches (9.3 cm) long! The man's name was Kumar Paswan, and this remarkable tooth was removed in 2014 from Kumar's upper jaw due to an...

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Buzzing Relief: The Bee’s Wax Dental Fix

Buzzing Relief: The Bee’s Wax Dental Fix

The world's oldest known dental filling was found in a 6,500-year-old jawbone discovered in Slovenia. It was filled with beeswax to alleviate pain from a cavity. The discovery of a 6,500-year-old dental filling made of beeswax in Slovenia offers a fascinating glimpse...

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Donkey Choppers!?

Donkey Choppers!?

Contrary to popular belief, George Washington’s famous dentures weren’t made from wood. His four pairs of custom choppers were crafted from gold, ivory, lead and a mixture of human, donkey, and hippopotamus teeth (take care of yours and you won’t have to think about...

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Just TRY Flossing With It Though

Just TRY Flossing With It Though

The cotton candy making machine that made widely consumed cotton candy possible was co-invented by a dentist. Before it was cotton candy, the fluffy confection was called “fairy floss.” (So, either he was drumming up some dental patients, or this was "dentist number...

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