The Guinness World Record for the longest human tooth extracted belongs to a man from India. His tooth measured an astonishing 3.67 inches (9.3 cm) long!

The man’s name was Kumar Paswan, and this remarkable tooth was removed in 2014 from Kumar’s upper jaw due to an abnormal growth condition known as odontoma, which causes benign tumors made up of dental tissue to form in the mouth.

Odontomas are typically detected during routine dental X-rays or exams and often require surgical removal to prevent complications such as dental misalignment, infection, or discomfort. Kumar’s case drew significant attention due to the extraordinary size of the tooth and the rarity of such large odontomas.

While odontomas are relatively uncommon, they serve as a reminder of the diverse range of dental conditions that can affect individuals and the importance of regular dental check-ups for early detection and treatment. Kumar Paswan’s record-breaking tooth extraction remains a fascinating and remarkable feat in the realm of dentistry!