Weird Dental Facts

Exploring the Quirky and Curious World of Dentistry

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Fang Fashion: The History of Gold Teeth

Fang Fashion: The History of Gold Teeth

Gold teeth, also known as “grills” or “gold caps,” have a long and fascinating history dating back thousands of years. 💰⚜️ In ancient civilizations like the Egyptians and Etruscans, gold teeth were a symbol of wealth and status. Today, gold teeth remain a popular...

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Tooth Tunes: The Musical Teeth of the Sea

Tooth Tunes: The Musical Teeth of the Sea

Did you know that some species of fish have teeth capable of producing musical sounds? The "singing" or "grinding" teeth of certain fish, such as the Parrotfish and the Bluefish, are used to communicate, attract mates, or defend territory through the production of...

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