Weird Dental Facts

Exploring the Quirky and Curious World of Dentistry

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Sexy, or Not?

Sexy, or Not?

Americans spend $100 billion per year on hair care products – and only $2 billion a year on dental care products. What good is great hair without a great smile?

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The electric chair was invented by a dentist . . . .  Dr. Alfred P. Southwick (1826 - 1898) was a dentist from Buffalo, New York. He is credited with inventing the first electric chair as a method of execution. The chair was reportedly manufactured by employees of...

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How Dry I Am

How Dry I Am

The commonly used practice of putting a cap on a toothbrush is actually detrimental. That's because moisture entrapment created by the cap can favor bacterial growth.  (You’ve probably heard the story about toothbrushes and toilets. The theory goes that even if it is...

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Toxic You Say?!

Toxic You Say?!

When ingested habitually by kids, fluoridated toothpastes can lead to fluoride toxicity. That's right. Fluoride is a neurotoxin.  In sufficient quantities, it can kill brain cells, lead to bone weakness, impair your immune system, and contribute to mental...

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