The ToothWiz Blog

Tartar – Why Should You Care?

Tartar – Why Should You Care?

You go to the dentist every six months to have your teeth cleaned. Well, hopefully you are getting regular dental visits. Right? But, just what is the dentist doing when he cleans them anyway? We’ll get into that shortly. And maybe you can even recall the dentist...

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Implant or Bridge? How to Decide (Part 2)

Implant or Bridge? How to Decide (Part 2)

OK. So let’s say it has been decided: you are a candidate for an implant. Now what? You may have heard that getting an implant can take a long time. By contrast, you can have a bridge to replace your missing tooth in about two weeks or less. Isn’t that better? Not so...

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Implant or Bridge? How to Decide (Part 1)

Implant or Bridge? How to Decide (Part 1)

We hope we will never lose a single tooth.  Unfortunately, it happens sometimes.  We can lose a tooth for many reasons. I won’t delve into them in this article.  The purpose here is to help you to decide between a bridge and an implant, in the event that you have to...

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Your Dental Insurance and the End of the Year

Your Dental Insurance and the End of the Year

As the year's end approaches, I am taking this opportunity (yet again) to share a tip that can help you take full advantage of any dental insurance benefits you may have. While some patients well understand how their insurance operates, I have learned that others do...

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Laser Dentistry

Laser Dentistry

Lasers are familiar to many of us from science fiction (think of the Star Wars light saber) to comedy (remember Austin Powers' Dr. Evil?).  The fact is that lasers surround us in every-day life.  For example, in the home you will find them in CD players, while...

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Toothpaste and Your Dental Work

Toothpaste and Your Dental Work

Very often patients ask me about what toothpaste they should use.  Seldom, however, am I asked about the best technique for cleaning teeth, when brushing should be done, how often they should brush, or for how long. The subject of tooth cleansers can be confusing....

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Cracked Tooth: Yet Another Example

Cracked Tooth: Yet Another Example

Just last week I encountered another case of a cracked tooth needing to be extracted.I can’t say this is uncommon. Yet something about this one stuck with me . . . probably because I felt it was avoidable. Cracked teeth as a result of the grinding and clenching of...

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Understanding Tooth Clenching and Grinding

  I might also give this article the byline:  "The Daily Grind."  But I wouldn't be talking about work.  For millions of people, the daily grind is happening to their teeth -- and they are often working them to death.  I’m not talking about the normal work you would...

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Dentists Need to Know Your Supplements

Dentists Need to Know Your Supplements

A friend of mine recently sent me the link to this video: Dentists Need to Know Your Supplements, and I found it somewhat timely. As readers of my blog may know, I have long been an advocate of dietary supplements.  While the ideal form of nutrition is always a...

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Cracked Tooth Syndrome

Cracked Tooth Syndrome

No matter how you slice it, tooth problems can be a pain. Among these, cracked teeth stand out for their confusing and erratic nature. A cracked tooth can be painful, annoying, and an exercise in frustration for patients and dentists alike. While there can be many...

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Cracked Tooth Information

Cracked Tooth Information

June 23, 2013 The treatment of cracked teeth can be one of the most complex -- and frustrating -- experiences for any patient, or dentist, for that matter.  Symptoms can be erratic, elusive and the solutions can range from simple to very involved.  It is not uncommon...

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Oral Bacteria and General Health

Oral Bacteria and General Health

Did you know that there are way more bacteria in your mouth than there are people on the planet? By some estimates: 120 BILLION bacteria can grow in 24 hours! That's really a lot of bugs! Germophobes might get a little skittish...

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