As the year’s end approaches, I am taking this opportunity (yet again) to share a tip that can help you take full advantage of any dental insurance benefits you may have.

While some patients well understand how their insurance operates, I have learned that others do not.  So let’s undertake a quick review:

The way your dental insurance benefits work is that you are provided with a certain dollar amount of benefits each year. If you do not use those benefits you will lose them! (Unused benefits do not carry over to the next year). Many people do not realize this and allow hundreds (sometimes even thousands) of dollars worth of benefits to remain right in the insurance company’s bank account. While treatment should never be dictated by insurance, if you have any treatment that remains to be completed, or you have any dental concerns at all, it would be very useful for you to come in before the end of the year.

Our goal for each of our patients is to help them enjoy the best oral health possible for their circumstances. For you, that probably means that you look good, you feel good, you have strong teeth and gums, and you enjoy the benefits of a healthy, attractive smile over your lifetime.

If you would like to make an appointment, just give us a call and we will find a time that is convenient for you. Just remember that when the clock strikes 12 midnight on December 31st, you will lose unused dental benefits. We will be happy to help you get the full benefits to which you are entitled under your dental benefits policy.  If you know you’ll need more than one visit, give yourself enough time to have your work completed with whatever benefits you have remaining, so call today.