Pregnancy is a beautiful time, but it can also come with unexpected challenges. One area that expectant mothers might not consider is oral health. However, what happens in your mouth can impact your developing baby and your own well-being.

The Pregnancy-Gum Disease Connection

Hormonal changes during pregnancy, particularly an increase in estrogen levels, can make your gums more sensitive to plaque buildup. This increased sensitivity can lead to micro-leakage in the gums, making them more prone to inflammation and infection. As a result, gingivitis (inflammation of the gums) becomes more common during pregnancy. In some cases, more severe gum disease, periodontitis, can also develop.

Gingivitis and Your Pregnancy

Gingivitis is characterized by symptoms like:

  • Red, swollen, or tender gums
  • Bleeding gums, especially when brushing
  • Bad breath

While gingivitis is usually reversible with good oral hygiene, left untreated, it can progress to periodontitis, which can damage the jawbone and lead to tooth loss.

Keeping Your Smile Healthy for Two

Practicing good oral hygiene during pregnancy is crucial:

  • Brushing twice a day and flossing daily is even more important.
  • Schedule regular dental checkups. Let your dentist know you’re pregnant so they can adjust their cleaning approach if needed.
  • Maintain a balanced diet. Eating plenty of fruits, vegetables, and calcium-rich foods helps support both your and your baby’s health.

By being aware of the hormonal changes that occur during pregnancy and taking steps to maintain good oral hygiene, you can minimize the risk of gingivitis and keep your smile healthy for yourself while giving your baby the best possible start in life.