Tooth Loss and Replacement

Tooth Loss and Replacement

When we are born we come into the world without teeth. Some of us leave the same way, but that really isn’t what nature intended.

When you are on a liquid diet having teeth doesn’t appear to be vital, since there is obviously nothing to chew. Nature pretty much handles a baby’s nutritional needs with mother’s milk. As we grow and begin to eat solid food, however, having and maintaining healthy teeth becomes an entirely different matter.

Tooth LossSo when teeth become lost due to cavities, periodontal disease or trauma, the consequences for good health can become significant. Let’s not forget that digestion begins in the mouth. There are actually two forms of digestion – mechanical and chemical.

Mechanical digestion is the grinding and tearing of food, as in chewing, in order to increase its surface area. Creating a greater surface area means that there is a better chance that chemical digestion can do its job. In chemical digestion, enzymes react with the food to help break it down into simpler substances which can either be absorbed in the bloodstream as nutrients or passed out of the body as waste. This process of breakdown and assimilation occurs within the digestive tract – but it starts in the mouth with your teeth, tongue, and saliva.

Because a full set of adult teeth numbers thirty-two, it seems many people feel the occasional loss of a tooth is a relatively insignificant event. And while it is true that a person can still function with thirty-one, the long-term consequence of losing just one tooth can be more significant than most people realize.


While all of our teeth are important, structurally, the loss of certain teeth will bring about more change than the loss of others. Think of this in terms of the walls of your house. If you take down a non-supporting wall, the house will still stand. Take out a supporting wall, however, and you have a much bigger problem. Teeth are constructed much like an arch, though. If you have ever seen a stone arch, you know it has a keystone at the top that keeps the arch together. Remove that one stone, and the whole thing collapses. In your dental arch, you can think of your canines as a keystone. Lose them, and the ensuing change can be rapid. You can lose several teeth – even all – over time. But it’s not just the loss of canines that creates a problem.

Losing a first molar, for example, can create a domino effect of changes in your mouth that can affect your ability to chew easily. It can cause shifting of the teeth in a manner that even affects the appearance of your front teeth. Or, it can lead to periodontal problems and the formation of cavities on portions of the teeth that might not have been otherwise affected before the loss.

The point is that if you lose a tooth, you should consult your dentist about what tooth replacement options are right for you. Today, we have many ways of providing functional replacements that can improve your ability to chew your food, maintain your good appearance, and keep you from losing still more teeth. Depending upon your circumstances and financial considerations, these replacements may include removable dentures, bridges (which are non-removable, cemented tooth replacements), or dental implants (think of them as artificial tooth-roots that have crowns, bridges, or dentures attached to them).

If you are missing a tooth, speak with your dentist about what tooth replacement options are right for your situation. Replacing a lost tooth early is often much less involved (and costly) than when you begin to experience the problems resulting from long-term neglect.

Dry Mouth

Dry Mouth

A “Silent” Dental Condition

Dry mouth, also called xerostomia, is a common oral health problem. Unfortunately, for some patients it becomes a “silent” condition that often goes undiagnosed and untreated. While there are many potential reasons for this condition, one of the most frequent contributing factors is the use of medications. Over four hundred commonly prescribed drugs list dry mouth as a potential side effect.

While this condition is fairly common in the general population, the prevalence increases with age. This is likely because many older adults take medications for one or a number of co-existing medical conditions.

Though some people may consider dry mouth an inconsequential medical or dental concern, it can be a troublesome symptom also associated with systemic diseases and health conditions. Things that most people take for granted, such as being able to chew their food – or even to taste it – result in a reduced quality of life for the patient with xerostomia.Dry Mouth Tips

Negative effects of dry mouth can include:

• Increased dental decay
• Oral infections
• Cracks and fissures in the tissues of the mouth
• Denture sores and ulcerations
• A decreased willingness or ability to speak easily

Keep in mind that almost everyone has experienced dry mouth at some time in their lives. Dehydration following excessive perspiration, diarrhea, or alcohol consumption are experiences many people have experienced at one time or another. These situations are generally transient and easily identified.  It should be noted here that not only alcohol consumption, but simply rinsing with alcohol-containing mouthwashes can result in a dry mouth.  Many patients hold these rinses in their mouths for much longer than the recommended 30 second period. This can produce a type of tissue burn called sloughing; however, even regular use can cause a drying effect for many individuals.

If, however, you find any of the following problems to be daily events, you should raise the issue with your dentist or physician:

• Do you consistently need to sip liquids to help you to swallow your food?
• Does your mouth feel dry whenever you eat?
• Do you have any difficulty swallowing?
• Does the amount of saliva in your mouth seem to be much less than you remember, or do you not notice the difference?

There are several simple things your health practitioner can do to evaluate your condition. A medical history will also provide clues. For example, certain conditions such as diabetes, cancer treatments, and Sjögren’s syndrome have also been connected with dry mouth. (Sjögren’s syndrome is a chronic autoimmune disease in which a person’s white blood cells attack their moisture-producing glands.)

Keep in mind that dry mouth symptoms may not appear until saliva production has been reduced to approximately half the normal flow.

While it is always best to identify the source of the problem to seek a long-term resolution, sometimes it is necessary to provide symptomatic relief. A number of products have been developed that can help the dry-mouth patient who so often has extra sensitive mouth tissues. These include stimulation products such as chewing gums, specially formulated toothpastes and mouthwashes that are free of irritating ingredients, and moisturizing gels or sprays.

The important thing is that you do not ignore dry mouth symptoms if they exist. Talk to your dentist or doctor. Day-to-day symptoms and their complications can be managed. If you and your doctor correctly identify the source, perhaps those problems can even be eliminated over time. The simple pleasures of life – eating comfortably, tasting an enjoyable meal, laughing freely – shouldn’t be just a memory.